Friday, 5 July 2013

Baby Lips For Summer

       While this is no new product, it is still a product I get really excited over when I hear about it. I've always struggled with dry and scabby lips (mostly because I had a really bad habit of picking them, i know gross...) I bought my very first Maybelline Baby Lips Moisturizing Lip Balm a year ago in the clear shade "peppermint" (the neon green tube) and I instantly fell in love not only did it cure my scabby and dry lips within a week, it made my lips so smooth I could no longer pick at them! The best part is this lip balm doesn't dry on my lips and leave those horrific white lines in the corner of my lips. 
So of course I went out and bought more, I went for the "grape vine" shade (in the teal tube) which is a deep dark purple, I loved it! They are so pigmented it gives the same result as a lip gloss and so I went out and bought the shade "cherry" (in the orange tube) and it is sheer red. I loved it as well but I still prefer the "grape vine" in fact I'm almost done my second tube. 
I realized how awesome these are for the summer because they are super moisturising and pigmented. They do not look as bold as lipstick which I like and you do not have to worry about them feathering out, if it comes off, just whip it out and apply another coat! 

Here is a before and after picture of my lips (top picture is Day 1 and bottom picture is on Day 3) 

Swatches of the shades "grape vine" and "cherry" 

I hope you enjoyed this post let me know what your favourite shades are if you've tried these or any other lip balm :) 


  1. I use these too! I have the purple one which is the peach color. It looks so pretty during the summer as it matches my olive tone skin.

    1. They are so awesome right?! that's actually the next one I've been planning on trying out!Thanks for the comment! :)

  2. I uss these too darlingg <3 I have a baby pink, for Indonesia weather its really perfect for my lips ..

  3. the baby lips in my hometown only sells menthol ie the non-tinted ones. :(
    i havent checked UK though.. been meaning to try this!

    follow please? hehe <3

    1. hopefully you can get some they are amazing! and i followed, love your blog :)
